Hello world

by Eric Hints

to kickstart the blog, lets talk a little about the games of crowds principles, setup and first game - tic-tac-toe.

The big idea

The promise of G4C is simple - G4C is the easiest way to run a game in your conference/seminar/reunion etc. Literally. It can not get any easier than that. In essence all the games share the same process - get an app link, share it on big screen and let people join using their mobile phones. No need to register or sign up to play. It is so simple that you can even run the game if you get the idea during your speech. Right there. On stage.

The big promise

The team behind G4C-s has been running exercies and games for event and team training industry for 25 years and one thing I have learned is that it must work. No matter what the circumstances.

G4C always works

  • no matter if you have 2 players of 2000 players.
  • even if somebody looses internet connection
  • even if some people decide to stop playing

The system

All the games use similar system. When player joins the game we assign them into one of the two teams. All the turn based games (like tic-tac-toe, 4-in-a-row and memory) use voting system. Entire team votes where to place their next chip or what card to open next.

In quiz games (like math or AI quiz) everybodys answer speed is measured and individual score given. Team score is total of individual scores for the questions.

It does not matter if everybody votes or even if teams are the same sizes, we account for that automatically.

The special circumstances

Event is full of special circumstances - somebody comes late (they can still freely join), somebody closes the phone for a moment (they will still be in the same team when they wake up), somebody leaves early (no problem we take that into account in answers and votings).

Ok, you do not need to know that, but interesting fact nonethless - if nobody actively plays, the game plays itself. Create a game, start it and watch it yourself :)